To those who knew and loved Sherri:
We invite you to preserve your memories of Sherri for Stella, Bo and Knox. Our hope is to capture as many of your stories and memories as possible for Pat and Sherri's children to read one day so that they have a greater sense of who their mother was. You are invited to write a note, card or letter that shares a special experience you had with Sherri, a funny or special story you want captured, or something that gets at the essence of Sherri. Whatever you feel called to do is what we are looking to collect as a treasure for Stella, Bo and Knox to hold, read and reread for their lives.
If you would like to contribute, please forward, mail or give your letters or notes to Arika Cocke over the next month or so. All contributions will be compiled and given to Pat who will share with his children one day when the time is right. Feel free to seal. Your contributions will be kept private and for Pat and Sherri's children only.
Arika Cocke
12 Deer Path
Charlottesville, VA 22903